FTM organises interactive narration of Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs
On Saturday 3 December 2022, VAST partner Fairy Tale Museum in Nicosia, Cyprus organised a free interactive narration of the famous fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for children aged six to nine.
The activity of the interactive narration, aimed to investigate how children understand the values conveyed through the fairy tale as well as how these values are reflected in their daily lives.
The VAST Project has selected the fairy tales area as a basic pilot of its research regarding transforming fundamental European values through space and time. This is because fairytales are a vivid depiction of moral values’ presence in a society with a significant, according to research, impact on children’s consciousness and moral development. The reason behind the choice of this fairy tale is that it is a well-known story expected to be familiar to the participants, facilitating them to identify the emerging values.